Why Outdoor WiFi Is a Must-Have and How to Get It

Why Outdoor WiFi Is a Must-Have and How to Get It

Written By Signal Boosters
3rd Oct 2024

Making the Outdoors Just as Connected as Indoors

A strong internet connection is crucial for business activities of all kinds, even beyond the four walls. Outdoor WiFi is the answer to reliable interest access in courtyards, patios, parks, fairgrounds, and more. It’s not just for high-tech companies or big enterprises – businesses of all sizes can benefit. So, let’s dive into what outdoor WiFi is, its advantages, and how your business can get WiFi outdoors.

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What is Outdoor WiFi and How Does it Work?

Traditional WiFi is typically limited to indoor coverage, often obstructed by WiFi-blocking materials. Outdoor WiFi is a wireless internet solution designed to extend an organization's existing internet network outside using outdoor WiFi access points and outdoor WiFi extenders. They broadcast WiFi signals over a wide outdoor area, keeping cell phones, tablets, laptops, and IoT equipment within range online as if they were indoors. Equipment is built tough, ensuring reliable performance even during inclement weather.

6 Benefits of Outdoor WiFi

1. Covers More Area

You might be wondering, “How far can WiFi reach outdoors?” With the right equipment, outdoor Wi-Fi can cover large areas, eliminating those frustrating dead spots. Whether it’s providing seamless connectivity for a café’s patio, extending coverage around a hotel’s pool, or ensuring strong signals for an outdoor event, a robust setup makes it possible. Employees, customers, and unmanned IoT devices can stay effortlessly connected no matter where they are.

2. Connects All Your Gadgets

It’s not just personal devices like phones and laptops that rely on a strong WiFi connection. So do security cameras, remote sensors, EV chargers, PoS systems, and ATMs, which are all becoming more prevalent in business spaces. With a robust outdoor WiFi network, all devices throughout the entire property can transfer data more smoothly with little to no connectivity issues, enhancing operational efficiency and the bottom line.

3. Enhances Security

Outdoor Wi-Fi enhances the reliability of security technology used to monitor your property. Businesses can easily install security cameras and other surveillance equipment over larger areas without worrying about connection loss, ensuring comprehensive coverage. Stable WiFi enables real-time monitoring and quicker response efforts to potential threats, enhancing overall safety and security.

4. Futureproofs Businesses

Technology is constantly evolving, changing the way businesses operate. Whether for smart city initiatives or enhanced security, outdoor WiFi makes it easier for businesses to adopt new technology without having to deploy new infrastructure. As connectivity needs increase and WiFi standards (e.g. WiFi 5, WiFi 6, WiFi 7) improve, it's easy to scale and upgrade an outdoor WiFi system, ensuring businesses remain adaptable and future-ready.

5. Makes People Happier

Whether it’s customers in a café’s outdoor seating area, students studying in the courtyard, or employees working outside, everyone loves being able to stay connected. WiFi outdoors helps make that happen, keeping customers happy, students engaged, and employees more productive. It’s these small conveniences that make a big difference in daily life.

6. Gives Businesses an Edge

outdoor wifi at cafe

Outdoor Wi-Fi can make your business stand out. If customers can get WiFi outside, they’re more likely to choose your place over somewhere else. For example, a restaurant with outdoor seating or RV campgrounds can attract more customers if they know they can stay connected while enjoying their meals or outdoor activities. It’s a simple addition that can really boost customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the bottom line.

Where Outdoor WiFi is Critical

1. Schools

outdoor wifi at school

Schools, colleges, and universities are large spaces where students often need internet access beyond the classroom walls. With outdoor Wi-Fi, they can study or even attend outdoor classes without any connectivity issues. For higher education institutions, where students frequently work and collaborate in outdoor areas like courtyards and quads, reliable WiFi is essential.

Additionally, for students who may not have internet access at home, outdoor Wi-Fi provided by their school offers a valuable opportunity to complete assignments and continue their education outside of regular class hours. Teachers can also take advantage of these outdoor spaces for lessons, making learning more engaging and interactive. It’s an effective way to ensure that education isn’t limited to just the indoors.

2. Offices

Some offices offer outdoor spaces where employees can work. However, the WiFi in those areas isn’t always reliable. Outdoor Wi-Fi allows employees to work from any location without worrying about dropped connections. This enhances productivity and collaboration in open-air environments. Even outdoor smart devices and clients will remain reliability-connected.

3. Parks

People love visiting parks, but they also like staying connected. WiFi in parks lets visitors check maps, post photos, or just browse the web while enjoying nature. It’s also helpful for park management, allowing them to offer services like event information or even WiFi-based games and activities.

4. Campsites

outdoor wifi at park

Even in the great outdoors, some campers want WiFi. Outdoor WiFi at campsites means they can stay online, whether for work or fun, without losing that camping vibe. It’s perfect for those who need to stay in touch with the office or simply want to stream a movie under the stars. Reliable WiFi connectivity not only enhances the experience for visitors but also attracts more campers who prioritize staying connected during their trips. It can provide seamless coverage across the entire campsite or key areas.

5. Smart Cities

outdoor wifi for smart city

As cities get smarter, they need more connectivity. Outdoor Wi-Fi helps run everything from traffic lights to public safety systems, making cities better places to live. It’s also beneficial for residents and visitors who can access city services or information from anywhere within the city limits.

Other Places Outdoor WiFi is Important

Besides the locations above, there are plenty of other places where outdoor WiFi can be a game changer:

  • Shopping Malls: Malls with outdoor areas, like food courts or event spaces, can benefit from WiFi. Shoppers can stay connected, making the experience more enjoyable.
  • Resorts and Hotels: Guests love to stay connected while relaxing by the pool or enjoying the outdoors. Offering WiFi in these areas can enhance their stay.
  • Sports Stadiums: Fans can share their experiences live from the stands, check scores, or even order food to their seats, all thanks to Outdoor WiFi.

How to Get WiFi Outdoors

While it’s simple to self-deploy an outdoor WiFi solution in residential buildings, implementing one in a business setting is more complex. Larger buildings require multiple strategically placed outdoor WiFi access points and wireless outdoor WiFi renege extenders. For this reason, Signal Boosters offers turn-key outdoor WiFi installation services. We’ll listen to your outdoor WiFi needs, survey your property, design a custom outdoor WiFi solution, and deploy it.

Using state-of-the-art WiFi 7 equipment, your outdoor WiFi solution will be optimized to deliver faster speeds, increased capacity, and establish more stable connections, ensuring seamless connectivity for all devices on the network.

To help with cost, there are multiple grants available, like those by the Texas Broadband Deployment Office, for internet solutions.

Ready to talk outdoor WiFi? Call us at 1-800-470-6777 or fill out the form below.

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