
Cell Phone Signal Boosters For Commercial Buildings

Reliable 3G & 4G LTE coverage. Guaranteed.

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Does your business suffer from poor cell phone reception?

You’re not alone. Everyday thousands of employees, clients, and customers across America are dropping calls, constantly struggling with slow internet, and wasting time with callbacks and reshuffling schedules.

Losing time, losing patience, losing productivity… all because you need a reliable connection.

But there's an answer.


In-Building 3G & 4G LTE Signal Boosters specializes in commercial cell phone signal boosters & installation services. Cell phone boosters take existing weak signal and amplify it up to 32x stronger to and from the cell tower.

The Results?
data speeds
calls & emails
More bars
Common Q&A

Q: How does a cell phone signal booster work exactly?

Think of it like a megaphone for your 3G & 4G LTE services. A whisper normally can’t be heard, but with the right tools like a cell phone booster, a whisper + the right megaphone can be heard loud & clear.

The Outside Antenna pulls in weak signal from outside your building and advances it to the Amplifier.
The Amplifier boosts the signal up to 32X or more and drives it to the Inside Antenna.
The Inside Antenna broadcasts the upgraded signal to all your mobile devices.
More bars, more production, more freedom. You’re welcome, folks.

Q: Did you know that your cell phone reception will never get better with time?

While it’s thought that cell tower distance is the greatest cause of poor reception, it’s actually not.

Interference is the leading cause of all your spotty coverage.

Outside interference such as trees, mountains, valleys, tall structures, and other buildings impede cellular signal.

Usually the center of the building, where you need connection most, has the weakest signal, because all that signal has to push pass outside and inside interference before reaching the middle. That’s why you’re always running towards the window or outside.

Then inside interference such as building material (metal, concrete, wood, low-e glass, etc.) and internal layout like thick walls do the rest, leaving your office with next to nothing for reception.

With more people demanding more bandwidth for their mobile needs, even being right next to the cell site doesn’t help much if interference blocks signal from coming in. That’s why an in-building cellular signal boosting solution is essential, because it bypasses most of that interference and delivers signal directly to you.

Q: But will cell phone signal booster work in your situation?

Cell phone signal boosting solutions are very flexible:

Coverage for multi-story buildings, industrial warehouses, and factories from 5,000 sq ft up to 500,000 sq ft.
Multi-carrier or carrier-specific solutions.
Works on any device that uses 3G & 4G LTE.
No need to be connected to wifi or landline internet.
No monthly fees, complete kit, it just works.
Design & Installation

System Design & Installation provides complete professional end-to-end design & installation services. While consumer cell phone boosters are mostly plug-and-play, commercial boosters need special attention, because radio frequency signals like cellular & wifi are highly erratic and need to be reigned in.

When it comes to fine-tuning and getting the best possible outcome, it takes dedicated specialists to measure, plan, install, and refine cellular signal boosting installations. & our nationwide team of RF engineers, system designers, integrators, and project managers are the signal boosting experts with over 5 million sq ft of signal boosting coverage projects to date.

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Our Turnkey Integration Process


  • Pre-survey
  • Site survey

System Design

  • Data analysis
  • Floor plans
  • Equipment & Pricing


  • Installing equipment & antennas
  • Optimization


  • Documentation
  • Monitoring & support

Our Enterprise & Business Customers

Free Consultation

Ready to increase productivity in the building & be the office hero?

From your first point of contact to post-project, handles every detail and takes complete ownership of improving your in-building coverage.

Contact us today and ask about how we can get you more bars instantly.

Call us now: 1-800-969-8189